Monday 7 July 2008

Free Writing

I was having trouble trying to concentrate enough to start on my final draft of this english paper. I mean it's pretty much written...needs to edited quite a bit, though but still should be easy but I couldn't concentrate or get myself to do it. Instead my time has been spent talking to Sean on the phone for almost 2 hours if not 2 hours, facebooking an incredible amount, and going on a candy run. I had an intense craving for some sour patch kids but I have not seen any whatsoever since being here. I am an intense sour patch kidaholic. It's kind of ridiculous that it got to a point freshman year my lovely Sarah made a food guide pyramid for me and my bottom was not my complex carbs but was made mostly of sour patch kids a simple sugar. Needless to say I've learned since taken a nutrition class or two and quit that dirty habit like a Will Miller..hehe. (That should make sense to the Johnstown people and my family.) So I just went on a candy run to Somerfield, which is a 5 minute walk or so to get some candy. I set out to just get one thing but walking into a grocery store I cannot be stopped. I think I'm addicted to grocery shopping. I love reading labels and checking prices and what not. I mean that's not weird is it? But in the candy isle I found some starbursts buy 1 get 1 free and some sour looking candies called Tangfastics. They are super tangfastic and hard to chew but pretty delicious. The Starbursts are super bizarre because they taste like juice and the flavors are made up of orange, lime, strawberry, and blackcurrant (a favorite here in Britian). The orange ones taste like fucking orange juice. It blows my mind. I'm bringing home a bag to do some cross testing.

A side note to this random entry is that I forgot to write about seeing my first theatre production here. It was a musical...and it was the Lord of the Rings. I mean come on, of course it is going to be bad. I didn't expect anything else...but what I did expect was a fucking good laugh. But it was basically a condensed 2.5 hour version of all 3 movies with some thrown in acrobatic tricks alongside dancing hobbits and super metal ballads. Ok no metal ballads, that would've ruled, though, but still the songs were long and whiney. If you youtube Lord of the Rings Musical London you'll get some slideshows with the music. Here is one for your pleasure:

So great, right?

And on an end note here is a fantastic performance from So You Think You Can Dance:

I think that dance gives me chills.
By far my favorite couple!

Now that I've successfully avoided homework for another half hour or so I guess I'll get to it.



Ashley said...

Oh I miss you so much! And please send me your address again - like a wanker I went and lost it!

Matt Faulkner said...

mark and chelsea are by far my favorite... i just read a blog about Comfort and Thayne's performance last night...doesn't look good for them...i need to watch that shit tonight