Saturday 5 July 2008

I'm Not Gonna Teach Him How to Dance With You

The new Black Kids album is being advertised all over this city. They are also playing a boat load of shows around these here parts too..thus the song being stuck in my head.

I've been super lazy on the updates, my apologies. Things are just hectic around here. On the go most of the day and trying to rest or soak up the awesomeness of some of these people at all other times. I'm also very behind on my homework. I have to do a couple of journal entries for my Asian Art History course but they will consist of things that I liked and disliked about each class day. Easy as pie. I also am only 1 sketchbook behind as opposed to 3, which I was about an hour ago.

The last few days have been filled with class and such. A lot of not much else has been happening. Friday after my studio class at the National Portrait Gallery Els and I had lunch with a couple classmates and our professor in front of the National Gallery. It was the first moment that I realized I love this city. I know that sounds silly but it was just the perfect day and moment all wrapped up. I was eating some cutsie yogurt from Pret a Manger and sitting in the grass, watching all the people go by and I just had a revelation of how much I appreciate being here. It is not that I hadn't had those moments before it was just the first time I felt in my element. I think I am finally comfortable here. Getting over the homesickness is the hardest part but that usually only bothers me at night when I have down time to talk to people at home. Kisses to you all!

My dad finally got a web cam and figured out skype for the first time the other day. It's cute because for some reason my mom can't pronounce it and my dad always calls it sky p-e. It's silly. I miss all my animals and I got to see them all on camera. So cute! Poor Arthur is a sick boy, though.

To celebrate my great country of Amerricah the ladies plus Matt had a little fest in Els room filled with funny conversations and Peach Schnapps, which as on sale for 5 pounds 53 at Somerfield last night. Holler! I mean that's still like a little more than $10 but hey that's a deal in this city! After our little get together Matt led us to a pub that was having a 4th of July party with sparklers and Budweiser. The Bud was expensive as hell, the sparklers were only given out at dinner, and pubs close at 11 pm here. So basically we were there for a little less than an hour before heading back to drink more at our dorm. It was an alright time filled with dancing to Bruce Springsteen in the dark...bah dom cha! But I did the silly dance for everyone. I did get some decorations of the American style, though to add to my shrine of postcards and all things British. I needed a little America in my life. When I get home the first thing I am doing is lighting a sparkler to post-celebrate the 4th since I didn't get to do that here. I'm not a big fan of fireworks but I missed them so badly yesterday. I didn't realize how much I love the states and the 4th till being here. But it was still a good time.

Today I felt super ill after waking up and eating breakfast so I napped till 11 or so then got ready to go with Els to Trafalgar Square to see the Pride Parade. By far the best part was the dragqueen Amy Winehouses. They were all different sizes and totally hilarious. We came back here to have some dinner, which was pizza! But weird tasting pizza. Then I napped for 3 hours and have just been bumming on the inets and catching up on my sketchbooks. Life isn't always that exciting here...

I miss you all and only 26 days till I get back to rage with you. Postcards will be sent out soon soon too!


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