Thursday 10 July 2008

Another day in London

I have felt fine all day but tonight my stomach hurts like crazy. I ate a little bread and pb to try and get something in my stomach but I attempted to eat some dinner...huge mistake. It was gross to begin with but the taste just isn't sitting well for me.

I'm super behind on my homework for Duane's class. I mean I feel a little guilty about it but I don't have the motivation to sit in my room and work on it all hours. I mean I know I should since I am paying for this education and experience but it's such an after thought to me when it comes to my days here. I feel like such a little brat because I'm tired, ill, and cranky at the moment. And my parents NEVER answer the phone. It is the most annoying thing trying to get ahold of them. My Britrail pass has yet to show up and if it isn't here by tomorrow I'm going to have to end up spending X amount of dollars to buy tickets to the places we are going on top of my wasted $273 for that thing. It should have been here literally days ago now.

It's been super rainy here for a week straight. No real break until today. I guess that could be negatively affecting my mood right now too. Yesterday we headed south to Brighton. It reminds me a lot of a beach city in California but much more classic than that. Unfortunately, it rained the entire day we were there. We went and saw King George IV (I think the IV)'s 'pleasure palace.' It is a giant mansion/pavilion that was built first as a farm house. Fucking gorgeous! I loved every moment in that place. Afterwards we took shelter in a local pub, the Sussex to drink a fabulous amount of Pimm's and Lemonade. Best drink ever. It is Pimms alcohol with lemonade, tonic, mint leaves, and fresh berries. SO good.

Other than being behind in homework life is still the same here. Going to Paris on Saturday with Liz. Well be an adventure for sure. Hopefully an upload of pics will be soon too.


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