Wednesday 2 July 2008

A few days behind

I haven't updated about my life in this here city for a couple days so I'll just do a quick recap of my life.

Things are starting to become routine with going to class and riding the tube.  The tube is 100% easy to navigate.  The only downsides to this form of public transportation are the heat and stuffiness when you are down there.  It's unreal the temperature!  I sweat just standing there waiting.  I've been doing a lot of walking and wandering by myself since I haven't had class in the mornings and Elodie did.  But now she is free and I think tomorrow we are going to spend some time shopping since all the sales have now started in London.  I guess July is sale month for all clothing stores.  Holler at that, right?

Monday morning when I didn't have class I walked around Hyde Park trying to find some people to sketch.  I found a lovely couple but they were sitting right next to me on the park bench and that would just be too awkward.  I tried to draw this little boy scaring away pigeons but he was too fast!  He's the fastest kid alive.  After that I headed over to the National Gallery to have a look see but only had 20 minutes or so to run around before I headed to the British Museum.  During AH in Asia we focused on Asian sculptures.  It was quite the boring class but Gary always has the most interesting stories to tell about sculptures.  After class we all had to hurry back to the dorms to get ready for dinner and then run over to the London Eye afterwards.  The group of ladies I was with ended up being about 45 minutes late because of the damn circle line aka tourist line.  But we got to go with the professors and that was kind of fantastic since we got to have them take as many pictures of us as we want.  I haven't uploaded them yet but soon soon.  The night ended with ice cream and full tummies.

Tuesday for studio we had our class in the Tate Modern.  I wasn't very excited about a lot of the pieces I saw just more the names than anything.  I'm pumped about going back to explore on my own time.  We saw a Paul McCarthy piece of naked men and manginas and I really couldn't get past that mangina.  I mean google's weird stuff.  English class was spent in a couple of galleries on the East End.  Again, nothing too exciting but I wrote a ton of notes on the painting I picked for my paper so that'll be easy to write.  I mean I should probably do that now but I'm a graduate and homework doesn't really make sense to me anymore.  

Tuesday night (last night) was spent napping and then watching youtube videos in Dawn's room.  Here are a couple for your enjoyment.

I hope you enjoyed that!

Today was Stonehenge. The only two things that keep coming to mind for me are a couple movies: National Lampoons European Vacation and Spinaltap. Let's youtube those too!

God I love those movies.

After Stonehenge we headed over to Avebury. Unfortunately, it was raining and we were unable to walk around and see the little village but we spent our time in the pub having drinks, good food, and good conversation. It was quite the lovely time. Bought myself a mood ring and Ashleysexface a present. So many more gifts to buy for people.


1 comment:

the ghost factory said...

i can't stop laughing at spinaltap